Brief Notes

Heimlich Law – Counsel Services


Companies have varying legal needs depending upon a variety of factors. These factors often change as the firm progresses from a startup stage, to established, to a possible decline.
Generally the last people companies want to deal with are attorneys. We understand this.

Quick Discussion

Startups – generally request legal services for funding documents, and filing patents. Later they may need them for licensing. Often they neglect them in hiring and company formation and the results lead to making attorneys rich when employee disputes arise, and disputes about ownership, options, vesting, etc. arise. The old Ben Franklin adage of “an ounce of prevention is work a pound of cure” is so true. It’s best to have an attorney at least review and advise.

Growing startups – ones on their way and growing in size will generally hire an outside attorney or firm to handle their issues.

Established company – these will, depending upon the size, continue to use the outside law firm, or possibly hire inside counsel that may or may not use outside counsel for various legal matters.

Declining company – these will it some point stop using outside counsel, relying on inside counsel exclusively. Then eventually drop inside counsel, use outside counsel and in a worst case hire a bankruptcy attorney.

Heimlich Law Counsel Services

Clearly we would prefer to be your outside law firm as that means you’re probably a going concern making money.

In the event you are a startup we can assist in the startup issues, however, this is likely to be a short engagement for us as you need to realize VCs have larger law firms that they have dealt with on a regular basis and they are unlikely to retain us regardless of how good a job we do. A fact of life.

If you find yourself not in need of inside counsel or in what we call a maintaining mode, that is, infrequent need of counsel but still want dedicated access to an attorney we offer in-house counsel services where we can physically visit your facility for X hours per week or month.

Contact us to discuss your requirements.

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