Trademark Litigation

Trademark Filings

Heimlich Law PC’s trademark attorneys can file trademarks in states, federally (covering all states), and internationally. Contact us for any trademark registration of goods or services.

Trademark Litigation

Trademarks are important for marketing and brand recognition. Marketing strategies can be compromised by improper prior use, infringement, and market differences. Trademarks can be registered statewide, federally (to cover all states), and internationally. This helps to prevent confusion and protect your rights. Trademarks indicate the source of the goods or services. Trademarks are infringed when they cause confusion in the customer.

Heimlich Law PC’s trademark attorneys can defend clients’ rights, and if a cease and desist order is ignored, then file suit domestically or internationally through associates. We can represent clients domestically and internationally.

Trademarks protect products and reputations. Get in touch with Heimlich Law, PC today if you need trademark protection

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Grounds for Trademark Litigation

Heimlich Law, PC advises and represents clients regarding the following trademark litigation issues:

Domestic Registration of Trademarks

Trademark state registration varies by state. A domestic trademark infringement can happen when a trademark search or review doesn’t uncover a mark registered in another state. Market disputes, abandoned trademarks, and similar designs may require litigation. Many trademark rights are interpreted under the Lanham Act, adding to these difficulties. Our trademark attorneys can assist you with complicated technical issues.

Contact trademark litigation attorneys at Heimlich Law, PC if you believe your trademark has been violated.

Practice areas

Trademark Applications – Not all trademarks are created equal. There are various factors that affect the “strength” of a trademark.

Fanciful – The highest protection is given to fanciful trademarks, made-up words with no connection to the product.

Suggestive – Suggestive marks are protected at the second highest level. They suggest a product’s quality or feature but don’t describe it.

Descriptive – Descriptive marks describe the product and is less protected.

Generic – Generic marks receive no protection. They are often known by their common name.

Choosing a proper name for a mark is a critical first step that is often overlooked or underrated.  For example, do you have any idea what the mark “Plowtah” refers to as a good or service?  If not then it’s a great candidate for a trade or service mark..Choosing a proper name for a mark is a critical first step that is often overlooked or underrated. For example, do you have any idea what the mark “Plowtah” refers to as a good or service? If not, then it’s a great candidate for a trade or service mark..

Trademark Infringement

Trademarks are crucial to brand recognition and marketing. For many inventors, business people, and investors, obtaining a trademark isn’t the end of their journey. Vigilance and prompt action are required to prevent infringement. Sometimes, a demand letter solves the issue; in others, litigation is necessary. Heimlich Law, PC protects clients’ trademarks domestically and internationally.

Trade Secrets Agreements and Employment Agreements

Heimlich Law, PC works with many startups and many require various agreements. We can help ensure our clients have the right procedures and policies in place to protect their trade secrets, methodologies, manufacturing processes, marketing strategies, customer lists, etc. We can create employment and nondisclosure agreements as well as licensing agreements.

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